Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ichi "The Killer" - 1

Directed by - Takashi Miike
- some time in 2001

The very first of Miike's movie I have seen and he has sent a very very difficult standard. "The gold standard for goriness". My god, it makes me wonder what in god's name he was thinking when he made the movie.
A movie totally based on
masochism... for further clarification, people in this movie actually enjoy getting beaten up or having their hands, legs, tongue, eyes, and well private parts pulled or cut out or even getting killed for that matter. (eyyyyucckkkk) sorry only expression I could pull out from my known dictionary. Well I have always been interested in Japanese films, but this one.. pushed the limits.. of Sanity.
The story is not very complex, a simple story starting off with this perverted guy who gets excited when killing or hitting other people. And a group of people who use him as a tool to kill. Whats more annoying than the story itself, can be describe as the gang leader (Kikihara), who has this weird fetish for piercings. I don't want to explain more (use your imagination) he tries to pierce a guy to death. And has a weird mouth to top it off. His mouth opens as wide as a freaking shit-pot.
Not many scenes that is worth remembering.
Anyways not the greatest movie's but one with some good directing and editing.

Rating: Normal People - 6/10.
Wierd people sense - 8/10.


Unknown said...

looks like I MUST watch the movie. Oh one more thing. DO write something apart from movie reviews.

clicher said...

watch Act of the Devil II -i swear i'll never watch another japanese horror flick